Aasgard – Norwegian Sea
Completion and Workover Umbiical Systems

Statoil’s Aasgard field lies in the Haltenbanken area, 200 km offshore from Trondheim in Norway. Aasgard is one of the biggest developments on the Norwegian continental shelf. This field is made up of more than 50 wells and 17 templates, tied together by 300 km of in-field flowlines.
FMC contracted JDR to supply a control package comprising Xmas tree and landing string umbilicals and jumpers, high set lubricator valve umbilicals and jumpers and hotline hydraulic and electric umbilical systems.
The JDR package
The JDR package included 10 reelers, 12 baskets and 20 sheaves and will provide the vital connections to an array of subsurface well control and intervention systems.
JDR applied its extensive experience to engineer technically feasible solutions to suit this offshore project. The full range of JDR’s products for the Aasgard Field have been specifically designed and rigorously tested to deliver an integrated system that will achieve optimum performance in a harsh offshore environment.
The system included a duplicate fleet of umbilicals, termination assemblies and fully tested, Zone 1 compliant Reeler packages providing:
- XT Umbilical and Jumper
- Hydraulic Hotline Umbilical and Jumper
- Electric Hotline Umbilical and Jumper
- Landing String Umbilical and Jumper
- HSLV Umbilical and Jumper
Ancillary equipment, including sheaves, air hoses and protective covers, was also provided as part of a turnkey solution, complete with DNV rated cargo baskets.
Key efficiency savings
The JDR design team custom-engineered and manufactured all of the components to address key efficiency savings and improve fatigue performance during handling. By optimising the arrangement of the umbilical components during the lay-up process, the final umbilical diameter is minimised to reduce reel size, and ultimately, the deck footprint.
Combined with dedicated strength members, excellent fatigue performance of the functional components is assured and localised stresses are minimised when the umbilical is subject to bending and handling under tension.