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At JDR, our aim is to conduct business with the highest standard of ethical behaviour and in line with our core values.

Our values help to define what we stand for.  We require all our people to consider our values along with the principles of our code and keep asking, “Is what I’m doing consistent with what we stand for?”

JDR’s Values Are  
  • Develop and work in world class facilities where we innovate, adapt and embrace change to produce products that we are all proud of
  • Work together within a safe, communicative and transparent organisation
  • Invest in our team to encourage personal responsibility, development, leadership and equality
In Doing So  
  • We will always do what is right
  • We will always deal fairly and honestly with others
  • We will work together
  • We will strive to improve and exceed expectations
  • We will appreciate and respect others and care about the wider community

This document sets out our code of ethics and explains how we work and the behaviour we expect from everyone who works for us and does business with us.

This code and its supporting policies applies to everyone working for and with JDR including full time and part time employees, temporary staff and those who conduct business on our behalf. We are also committed to only working with third parties whose standards are consistent with our own. This includes customers, contractors, suppliers, partners and agents.

The consequences of not complying with this code can be very serious, including significant fines, penalties and even criminal liability for individuals or the company.

Any failure to comply with this code or its supporting policies will be investigated and could result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

How to Raise a Concern 

If you have a serious concern that something may not be consistent with our code or any of our policies then it is important you speak up. All issues raised will be treated seriously and in confidence. We will follow them up and, wherever possible, report back to you.
To report a concern, non-JDR people should contact JDR Cable Systems Ltd.’s Compliance Officer by email, or in writing:

Email address:

Postal address:
Compliance Officer
JDR Cable Systems Ltd.
177 Wisbech Road
United Kingdom

Our Working Relationships  

We will work together to create an environment in which everyone feels valued and there is equal opportunity for all. We will behave towards each other with integrity, honesty, courtesy, consideration, respect and dignity. We are committed to helping our people achieve their best.

Equal Opportunity and Diversity

We treat everyone equally and embrace difference. JDR is developing an Equal Opportunity and Diversity policy to ensure that all employees get equal treatment and respect and that the criteria for employment and promotion are the same for everybody. The opportunity for advancement is based only on objective considerations such as performance, ability and aptitude.

Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination

Harassment and bullying refers to any action or behaviour that any individual or group finds unwelcome, humiliating, threatening, violent, hostile or discriminatory. Employees should be particularly sensitive to actions that may be acceptable in one culture but are not in another.

Discrimination means treating a certain person or group based on factors such as age, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability unrelated to the task in hand, union membership or political affiliation.

We are committed to creating a working environment where everyone can achieve without fear or favour. We do not tolerate behaviour or attitude that supports coercion, intimidation or discrimination. We will always:

  • Speak up and do something about harassment, bullying or discrimination
  • Encourage and support those who challenge or report such behaviour

We Will Never:

  • Tolerate any action or behaviour that could be viewed as harassment or bullying
  • Accept any kind of unlawful discrimination
  • Make inappropriate jokes, try to humiliate a colleague or spread gossip and rumours that might be or could be perceived as hurtful and disruptive
  • Threaten a colleague with physical or verbal violence

We do not tolerate any kind of harassment, bullying or discrimination against anyone who works for us or with us.

Relationship with Customers, Suppliers and Other Stakeholders

We treat our customers, suppliers and other third parties with integrity and professionalism at all times. We are committed to working only with third parties whose own standards are consistent with our own. Third parties are entitled to expect of us the same standards of conduct that we expect of our colleagues and others.

We will select people and organisations based only on a fair and objective process. We will work with them to resolve disputes at an early stage and take on work from customers based on a clear understanding of what is required, where we are demonstrably competent and can add value.

JDR as a Corporate Citizen  

Health and Safety

All of our global facilities have their management systems certified to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018

Respecting the Environment

Working in the offshore environment, JDR understands the need for awareness of the impact a business can have on the environment. We are focussed on ensuring that we minimise any adverse environmental impacts of our business activities by continually reviewing product design and manufacturing methodologies. We manage the carbon footprint and manage the waste and emissions that our operations produce.

Respecting Communities

We respect the community around us and we will listen to the concerns of local communities. Whenever we can, we will act to mitigate them to the very best of our powers. We will make appropriate contributions to those communities by encouraging participation in charity events and fund raising, community projects and voluntary work. We are also proud to be an employee in the communities where we operate.

Our people must check with their line manager or director before making any charitable donations in the name of JDR or arranging any fundraising events.

Political Activities

It is not JDR’s policy to make any contributions to political parties, candidates or politically active organisations. Individuals are free to support any political party and make any donations as long as it is in their free time and expense and within local laws.

Human Rights

Wherever we work in the world we will ensure that we do not exploit anyone. We will uphold the rights of all those who work for us or with us and of the communities in which we operate. This means refusing to do business with any individual, company or organisation that fails to uphold the standards and principles of basic human rights.

We Are Committed To

  • Supporting the principles set out in the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights
  • Supporting the International Labour Organisation’s standards regarding child labour and minimum wage
  • Complying with national legal requirements regarding minimum wages and working hours

Modern Slavery Statement

JDR is committed to ensuring that the human rights of those people that work with us and those working within our supply chains are protected.  We do not tolerate any forms of slavery or human trafficking in our business and in our supply chain.  We are committed to playing our part in eradicating all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking.  Our Modern Slavery Plan includes:

  1. updating our terms and conditions of purchase,
  2. providing guidance and instructions on our expectations to suppliers, and
  3. carrying out a due diligence process on our supply-chain starting with our key suppliers.
Company Property and Information Management  

Company Property

We will respect and protect the company’s property and resources and do not use them for any improper purpose. Company property includes physical assets and intangible assets. Physical assets are items such as materials, supplies, equipment and cash. Intangibles include information, intellectual property and employee time and talents.

We will never manipulate, inaccurately record or abuse expenses or claim sums not properly spent on company business. We will not use company property and resources for non-work related activities except to the extent permitted by our policies.

Confidential Information

Confidential information refers to any confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to or in the possession of any member of JDR. It may be oral, visual, in writing or in any other form. Examples include financial information, business plans, bid information, pricing policies etc. We keep confidential information safe and make sure it never gets into the wrong hands.

Disclosing confidential information can have a huge impact on JDR. We will keep it safe, only share internally on a “need to know” basis and only disclose to a third party on a confidential basis and with appropriate authorisation to do so.

Financial Controls, Records and Reporting

We will ensure that our financial and other reports and records are complete and accurate. Even if it is unintentional, it is against the law in many countries to keep or submit financial records, reports or invoices that are inaccurate, incomplete or misleading.

Our books, records and financial reporting should accurately reflect the underlying transactions and represent the true state of the business.

We will never record things incorrectly even if the customer wants us to do so. We will never record any transaction or expenditure in a misleading way. We will never destroy or alter any information or data that must be kept for litigation, an investigation or any other legal reason.

Company Communications and Disclosures

Company communications are any external messages from us or anyone we authorise about us or our business. They include press releases, communications with news media or journalists, promotional materials and other public statements.

All company communication will receive prior internal approval by the JDR Marketing and Communications Director whatever the medium. We will take particular care about what we say in meetings or other public events. We will take care not to betray the company’s interests when using social networking websites, Twitter blogs and other electronic communications. We will not say nor write things that may embarrass JDR clients in any way or damage JDR’s relationship with them.

Using Company Computer Systems

Company computer systems are for use at work. However JDR permits reasonable and appropriate use for non-work related purposes which are detailed in the JDR Acceptable email, internet and phone policy.

We will not use company computer systems to access, obtain, create or distribute any material that is illegal or offensive or that is obtained illegally. This includes obscene, pornographic, sexist, racist, defamatory and abusive material or material that is in breach of copyright.

We will not use company computer systems to set up or carry out personal businesses.

We will not install any software that has not been approved or purchased by the IT Department at JDR.

Protecting Personal Information

We will protect everyone’s privacy and comply with data protection and privacy laws. Data protection and privacy laws regulate the collection, storage, disposal and use and disclosure of personal information which can identify a living person.

We will protect personal information and keep it confidential and secure and make sure it is only shared with people who have a legitimate need to know or with the consent of those who information we hold.